Is a computer smarter than a human brain?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

The brain has a processing capacity of 0.1 quadrillion instructions per second. The fastest super computer in the world, called Roadrunner is capable of handling 1.026 quadrillion calculations per second. However the computational power of the human brain is difficult to ascertain, as the human brain is not easily paralleled to the binary number processing of computers. For while the human brain is calculating a math problem, it is subconsciously processing data from millions of nerve cells that handle the visual input of the paper and surrounding area, the aural input from both ears, and the sensory input of millions of cells throughout the body. The brain is also regulating the heartbeat, monitoring oxygen levels, hunger and thirst requirements, breathing patterns and hundreds of other essential factors throughout the body. It is simultaneously comparing data from the eyes and the sensory cells in the arms and hands to keep track of the position of the pen and paper as the calculation is being performed.

wasif butt

the computer is only as smart as the person who programmed it. Humans, if they felt like always checking over their calculations they could easily be right 99.99% of the time. Also computers cant do all mathamatical problems. Thats why people still do math =)

alsan sharia

Published on Aug 1, 2014

This is the direction of the future. Useful AI that can do the research of a thoudand men instantly. It's definitely worth noting that Watson is capable of learning (a point I didn't touch on in this video), so what you see here is the 'baby phase' so to speak. I tried to leave out the technical jargon in this video but for those who want to know more, a wiki dump on Watson is below:

According to John Rennie, Watson can process 500 gigabytes, the equivalent of a million books, per second.

Software Watson uses IBM's DeepQA software and the Apache UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) framework.

Hardware The system is workload optimized, integrating massively parallel POWER7 processors and being built on IBM's DeepQA technology, which it uses to generate hypotheses, gather massive evidence, and analyze data. Watson is composed of a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers, each of which uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight core processor, with four threads per core. In total, the system has 2,880 POWER7 processor cores and has 16 terabytes of RAM.

How Watson Worked on 'Jeopardy!':

joy barma

Published on Nov 3, 2015

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