Could ‘poo power’ help heat the country?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Yes, water firm Thames Water has successfully been using human toilet waste to make electricity for the past decade, from either burning sludge or methane derived from its 13 million customers’ toilets. This year they have invested a quarter of a billion pounds in six new thermal hydrolysis process plants as part of its ‘poo power’ program to turn sewage into energy.

alsan sharia

Published on Jun 27, 2012

This is how I made a really cheap solar pool heater, and it works! It is a simple coiled hose attached to a wood frame and placed on the hot concrete. The pump is for a pond and moves 900 gallons per hour. The hose is 3/4' and about 200 foot long. It will heat the water about 5 degrees above the ambient pool temperature on a partly cloudy day. The pool is large, so this setup is smaller than I should use. As is, it barely compensates for the temperature loss at night. I plan on adding a lot more hose and making a nicer permanent setup.

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joy barma

That is true because African 17 year old decided to do it, and now the whole school has free heat!So Africa is more advanced in thinking about saving the world then you are! I think that is a great Idea sience we produce it on regular bases! And is free. To that you add all your vegie and fruit left overs add water and produce the gas that makes it in to free heat and electricity! It is not a joke ! it is really smart!

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