How will you get your first 100 customers?

Stew Biff

Ok I realize I usually and generally deal with and write about brands that are way beyond their first 100 customers. But, I figured with so many startups popping up plus the fact even the biggest of brands had to start somewhere — now was as good a time as any to share insights and words of wisdom from those who have lived and breathed the experience firsthand.

Anyone with experience with startup companies and sales and marketing knows how hard it can be to engage those first 100 customers. It can take a great deal of groundwork and preparation, not to mention money and sweat, to locate and capture them. If those first 100 customers are not assimilated quickly, business failure is a distinct possibility – although nowhere near the “9 out of 10” businesses fail in the first year” urban myth that has been circulating for years.

So whether it takes a month or a year to achieve the holy grail of 100 customers, there are many other road signs to success in a new startup. But since Americans love to think big, we’ll concentrate here on the holy grail of getting those first 100 clients.

joy barma

I'm so glad that I was out of my youth when bag phones and 'the brick' came out. I don't have this dependency at all, though I carry a 'smart' phone for work. I have a flip phone for the rest of my life, which suits me just fine because it stays off unless I need it. This is like some kind of drug addiction for these people. 3

joy barma

HI. I like you chanel. I subscribed. Could I possibly get a sub back :)

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