How can I have better communication with my teenager?

Mahadevan M S

Make sure your really listening to your teenager. Make eye contact and take time to actively listen. Don’t assume you know what they are saying and start formulating your answer while they are still talking. Ask questions that draw them out and show that you have actually been listening to that point. Remember listening validates and shows respect for another person's feelings and ideas, not necessarily an agreement of them. Make sure you are talking and not arguing with them. If you both are talking louder and interrupting one another it’s time to take a break. Calm down and try it later. Remember you are the mature adult teaching your child the correct way to communicate. Keep a teachable and humble attitude with your teenager. Always seek to cultivate the relationship so they will know you are truly interested in them.

alsan sharia

Published on Feb 18, 2013

3 tips for parents on communicating with their teens. For additional parenting tips visit

    People & Blogs 
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joy barma

Published on Aug 24, 2015

Weekly Web Tv Show: The Dreaming Show Episode #12 How can I improve the Communication with my Teenager Host: Gaby Company Co-Host: Dante Company

    Standard YouTube License 

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