I have a question regarding entities such as Limited Liability Company and Series Limited Liability Companies.

joy barma

Limited liability companies serve over 75% of our clients the best, simply because there is a lot less paperwork on a yearly basis to deal with in the simple fact you can always convert a limited liability company to a corporation. If your company is never going to have over 50 employees or you're never planning on going public with it or you don't want to shop sell shares to different people for fundraising, a limited liability company will most likely be the best choice for you.

joy barma

A corporation allows you to grow your company to any size, and have full control of it. One of the greatest features of a corporation is the ability to sell shares to investors, also known as stockholders. Corporations are more complicated because they have different requirements and filings with the Secretary of State's office every year. Another important thing to consider is you can never go from a corporation and convert it back to a limited liability company, you can only go from a limited liability company to a corporation. There are also two forms of corporation there is the S corporation and the C corporation. An S corporation basically allows you to pass through taxation your tax return, meaning you could put your corporate taxes directly on your personal tax return. A C Corporation is what most people think of others Corporation, where they need to file a complete tax return just for the corporation itself. Corporations are also invaluable if you plan in the future on trading your company on the stock exchange or what is known is going public.

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