How to Organize a Marathon?

Sport Expert
  1. Decide on the main purpose and objective of the marathon.
  2. Select a date and a location for your event.
  3. Develop a budget for your event.
  4. Determine what licenses or other permissions you will need.
  5. Promote and market your event.
  6. Purchase the items you'll need for your event. alt text


As you may or may not know, we have a series of resources that we call Event Director Guides. We call them that because they’re more than articles–they’re playbooks. They are focused on giving you practical, actionable advice, versus high-level concepts.

Our latest guide is called “How to Organize a Marathon.” Fresh off the heels of the Running USA 2014 Industry Conference last week, we wanted to provide a resource for all of those race directors out there who are either new to the industry or adding the 26.2 distance to their experience managing shorter races.

Always had a passion for running but not sure how to get started managing a marathon? Want a platform to help raise money for a charity? Whatever your reason for needing some guidance, this can help:

  • See more at:

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