Please Guide me to Cheap Startup Advertising

joy barma

I don't only fucking love this commercial I am going to sign up!! A visionary and funny CEO gets my money before Gillette who's been raping me for years.

joy barma

I think what makes the video is the way Alhandra is so shit scared throughtout the entire thing (especially when he brings down the machete), she's practically laughing all the way through it!!!!!!! She prob thinking WTF, I didn't sign up for this shizzzz!

joy barma

I went back to using DE razors around 20 years ago which is right around the time 'razor blade marketing' began. At the time, DE blades were $2-3 for 10 and blades for the latest pivot/strip blades were about $7-10 for 10. BTW, today, DE blades in drug/dept stores are $10-15 for 5.

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