What are the health effects of melamine consumptions in humans?

Mahadevan M S

In 2007, melamine was found in wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate exported from China and used in the manufacture of pet food in the United States. This caused the death of a large number of dogs and cats due to kidney failure.

In the present event, melamine contamination has been found in a number of different brands of powdered infant formula, in one brand of a frozen yogurt dessert and in one brand of canned coffee drink. All these products were most probably manufactured using ingredients made from melamine-contaminated milk.

Marco Shuford
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alsan sharia

Published on Jan 2, 2015

Adam Schaefer, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University Brian Cousin, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University Carin Smith, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University

Mercury is a pollutant with important adverse health effects on both humans and wildlife.The high mercury concentrations found in dolphins may reflect environmental differences in mercury contamination which can impact the concentration of mercury found in fish species that local human populations consume. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine exposure to mercury among coastal residents. Concentrations of mercury among Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a coastal estuary in Florida, alerted us to a potential public health hazard. Individuals who reported consuming local seafood once a day or more were 4 times more likely to have a mercury concentration over the EPA reference dose. The current study is one of the first to apply the concept of a sentinel animal to a local human population.

joy barma

Published on Sep 12, 2015

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The origin of human alcohol consumption is a widely debated topic among many scientists and it is an interesting topic at that. What we really want to know though is, are there actual health benefits from drinking alcohol today?

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