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+Iren Jones  

joy barma

The Nexus 5x is finally here for testing. This is the new 'ice' colored phone. Lets see how well the baby blue color holds up to my Mohs Scale of hardness pics. We'll then look at which parts of the phone are metal, and plastic. This is important to know, so we can judge how well the phone is going to hold up over the next few years while you own it. After the scratch test is over, we'll test the burn and heat resistance of the screen. This phone lasted longer under flame than its newer and more expensive flagship phone the LG G5. Don't worry... Ill compare the two plastic feeling phones a bit more in depth in this video as well.

joy barma

Finally the bend test. I put phones through extreme situations so that you will know how your phone will survive daily life. I show you what your phone will look like in 2 years without you actually having to wait 2 years to see it. A smart phone bend test is the ultimate test of strength for the phone. Will it survive being put in a back pocket and sat on? Will it survive skinny jeans? or being bent in a car door? A lot of problems with metal phones is that once they bend... they stay bent permanently. Will a plastic phone do the same? Watch the video to find out!

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