Best Thai restaurant in San Francisco

James Bond

Here is one restaurant: While visiting my favorite city SAN FRANCISCO, we were searching for a good place to eat. Craving and finally deciding to get thai, we saw there was a vegetarian Thai restaurant, was very good!

Thai Idea Vegetarian Tenderloin 710 Polk St San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone number (415) 440-8344


Kitty and Suraphol Meeriyagerd came over to the United States in 1982. They never planned on opening up a Thai restaurant but it was their destiny. They brought recipes from their family in Bangkok, Thailand and it was a big hit ever since. Their first restaurant was on a little neighborhood corner-side called 'Thai House' on Noe and Henry St.

For people that are familiar with our brand, we still serve the same type of food ever since we started, but in a more modern and hip atmosphere. Make sure to check us out in both locations!

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