What are the causes of maladaptive daydreaming?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

7 What are the causes of maladaptive daydreaming? The causes of maladaptive daydreaming are potentially numbers. The term was originally coined in order to refer specifically to one form of maladaptive daydreaming – that being daydreams that are triggered by traumatic events in the past such as abuse. However the term is today used more broadly to accept many different causes and forms of daydreaming.

Often daydreaming is used as a form of 'escapism' and this suggests that an individual is unhappy with their real lives. For instance if someone creates 'imaginary friends' then often this might be as a substitute for real friends and that person might feel lonely. Meanwhile if the individual experiences daydreams of being a superhero and fighting crimes and flying, it may be that they feel 'powerless' in their day-to-day lives. Someone who dislikes their job may daydream of punching their boss, or someone who is sexually frustrated may have daydreams with explicit sexual content.

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Maladaptive daydreaming is considered as a state in which a person daydreams or imagines as a psychological response to prior trauma or abuse. It is also described as immersive or excessive daydreaming characterized by attendant distress or functional impairment with or without prior trauma. The causes of maladaptive daydreaming are potentially numbers. The term was originally coined in order to refer specifically to one form of maladaptive daydreaming – that being daydreams that are triggered by traumatic events in the past such as abuse. However the term is today used more broadly to accept many different causes and forms of daydreaming.

Often daydreaming is used as a form of ‘escapism’ and this suggests that an individual is unhappy with their real lives. For instance if someone creates ‘imaginary friends’ then often this might be as a substitute for real friends and that person might feel lonely. Meanwhile if the individual experiences daydreams of being a superhero and fighting crimes and flying, it may be that they feel 'powerless’ in their day-to-day lives. Someone who dislikes their job may daydream of punching their boss, or someone who is sexually frustrated may have daydreams with explicit sexual content.


Maladaptive daydreaming is a controversial condition in which an individual daydreams to an abnormal amount – such that it begins to have negative impacts on their real day to day life. The condition will vary between different people in terms of the symptoms and severity, but commonly it can described as having the following features: • The individual experiences highly immersive daydreams that seem hyper real – and that at times may be scary or confusing. • The individual develops emotional attachment to the characters in the daydreams, and to the situations. • They may express emotion in accordance with their daydreams – for instance laughing, crying, smiling or frowning during their daydream. • Often there is a described link between the daydreaming and music. Either the individual uses music in order to incite daydreams, or they find themselves unable to stop when they hear music. • The daydreaming is compulsive and the individual finds it hard to stop – even to the detriment of other activities and behaviors.

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