Can consumers safely use aspirin to treat suspected acute heart attacks?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

A. If consumers suspect they are having a heart attack, their most important action must be to seek emergency medical care immediately. The advise and supervision of a doctor should direct this use of aspirin and patients are encouraged to speak with their doctor about this use.

cool omar

Decreases inflammation. Inflammation is a component of plaque build-up and inflamed plaque is more likely to cause a heart attack or stroke. Aspirin fights the inflammation associated with heart disease by blocking the action of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. When this enzyme is blocked, the body is less able to produce prostaglandins, which are chemicals that (among other functions) facilitate the inflammatory response. Inhibits blood clots. Some prostaglandins in the blood trigger a series of events that cause blood platelets to clump together and form blood clots. Thus, when aspirin inhibits prostaglandins, it inhibits the formation of blood clots as well. Blood clots are harmful because they can clog the arteries supplying the heart muscle and brain, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Aspirin has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and reduce the short-term risk of death among people suffering from heart attacks.


Decreases inflammation. Inflammation is a component of plaque build-up and inflamed plaque is more likely to cause a heart attack or stroke. Aspirin fights the inflammation associated with heart disease by blocking the action of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. When this enzyme is blocked, the body is less able to produce prostaglandins, which are chemicals that (among other functions) facilitate the inflammatory response. Inhibits blood clots. Some prostaglandins in the blood trigger a series of events that cause blood platelets to clump together and form blood clots. Thus, when aspirin inhibits prostaglandins, it inhibits the formation of blood clots as well. Blood clots are harmful because they can clog the arteries supplying the heart muscle and brain, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Aspirin has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and reduce the short-term risk of death among people suffering from heart attacks. Reduces the risk of death. Research has shown that regular aspirin use is associated with a reduction in death from all causes, particularly among the elderly, people with heart disease, and people who are physically unfit.

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