internet online community

Thang Nguyen

hello smith


r. Moira Gunn, host, Tech Nation . . . Americans & Technology

'For millions of Americans the telephone is an amazing technology that allows us to ''reach out and touch someone'' who is miles away. Now the Internet extends communication to the most remote places on earth—we can talk to anyone who has a computer and an e-mail address. In a single technological leap, the Internet has changed the physical dimensions of our community, and the rules for communication, known as Netiquette, have been outlined. But the benefits of expanded communication on the Internet are being weighed against serious new concerns, such as maintaining the privacy of e-mail conversations and ensuring the decency of on-line materials. This Friday Dr. Moira Gunn joins City Club members for an inside look at the Internet community. Dr. Gunn is known as the producer and host of National Public Radio's Tech Nation...Americans & Technology, a program which features dialogue between Dr. Gunn and cutting edge technology advocates. Dr. Gunn will apply her keen insights on technology and the future to the privileges and problems with communication on the Internet. This program is the first of a series titled Internet and the Community, sponsored by the Technology & Business Issue Committee.

cool omar

In recent years, there has been concern about the social impact of the Internet on several levels. One major worry was that use of the Internet would prompt people to withdraw from social engagement and become isolated, depressed, and alienated. A related fear was that Internet users might abandon contact with their local communities as they discovered how easy it is to go online to communicate with those in other parts of the world and get information from every point on the planet.

Marco Shuford

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