Help me, please, finding the businesses that accept bitcoin’s

Many companies are accepting bitcoins, many are not. Here is a list of the biggest names who accepts bitcoins as a currency. – An online company that allows user to create free blogs – A company that sells big ticket items at lower prices due to overstocking Amazon – An online company that sells almost anything. Target – An American retailing company - See more at:

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joy barma

BITCOIN COLLAPSE - Australian Businesses Ditch Bitcoin After Banks Act Against Bitcoin Exchanges

Australia's major banks are closing accounts of bitcoin companies, forcing at least 13 digital currency providers out of business in response to tougher rules on money laundering and terrorism finance, an industry body spokesman said on Tuesday.

The move comes just months after Westpac Banking Corp became the last of Australia's four major banks to pull out of the remittances business in order to reduce compliance risks.

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