How do I change the wallpaper on Andriod?

Mahadevan M S

Would you like to change that background image (wallpaper) on your phone to something different or more personal? That’s really easy to do and there are usually a few ways to do so.

The first way we would recommend trying is to long press (tap and hold for a few seconds) on the home screen to see if a menu screen comes up. Should that not work then move on to the next method. Open the app tray (usually an icon that looks like small squares) at the bottom of your phone and scroll until you see Settings. Open that up and look for an option for Display.

Many, but not all, handset makers list the wallpaper settings here. HTC phones, for instance, put their wallpaper settings under Personalize, which can be accessed from the notification bar or by pressing menu on the home screen. When in doubt, long press or tap the menu button to see what options pop up.

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2010

The holiday season is coming, and that means there's bound to be a slew of Android newcomers. Here's a quick video on just a few of the ways you can change your wallpaper on your Android device.

In this video, Jesse is using CyanogenMod 6.1 on an HTC Evo 4G, andLauncherPro with one of these Christmas docks:

The clock widget is called TypoClock. It's not available in the market, so you'll have to Google it.

The weather widget is called Snow Storm.

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joy barma

Uploaded on Oct 26, 2011

Here I show you the different ways in which you can change the Wallpaper background on a Samsung Galaxy S2 / SII smartphone, this is a how to tutorial on a Android Gingerbread operating system

Link to Playstation 3 Controller with Samsung Galaxy S3:

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