Do fans wait outside the shows to try and get a glimpse of their favorite models/designers?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

ans do wait outside shows, especially in Europe, where fashion has more of a cult status than it does in New York. But fans (fashion students, mainly) are likely waiting for an editor to pass them a spare ticket so they can see the actual show rather than just waiting for a glimpse of the designer. For most fashion fans, the clothes are the real star. It is an unspoken tradition among insiders to pass an unneeded ticket to the best dressed groupie. And sometimes fans forgo the ticket altogether and sneak past the bulky guards and army of PR people to see a show.

joy barma

Published on Jan 6, 2015

Ariana Grande! The name alone can have teenagers scream their lungs out. She is cute, gorgeuos and has a got a beautiful voice. Prople around the world love her and even compare her with Mariah Carey. But this hearththrob of million has got a short temper, a little bit of attitude and can be a little rude sometimes. HollywoodBackstage brings to you Ariana Grande Worst Moments (Top 10).

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