Can dogs as pets actually be good for our health?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Research shows that, unless you are someone who really dislikes animals or is absolutely too busy to care for one properly, dogs can provide excellent social support, stress relief and other health benefits, perhaps more than people! It has been suggested that dogs can even be trained to smell and detect cancer in people.

Marco Shuford
For stress relief it's rally true

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2009

Brushing your dog's teeth may actually prevent some serious canine health problems. In this video we learn the proper technique for brushing your dog's teeth, how often you should brush your dog's teeth, and what are some other home care options to keep your dog's teeth healthy.

    Pets & Animals 
    Standard YouTube License 

joy barma

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2009

Brushing your dog's teeth may actually prevent some serious canine health problems. In this video we learn the proper technique for brushing your dog's teeth, how often you should brush your dog's teeth, and what are some other home care options to keep your dog's teeth healthy.

    Pets & Animals 
    Standard YouTube License 

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