What shall I do to secure my home?


Published On Jan 11, 2013 Uploaded by Lowe's Home Improvement The word home means a place that's safe to most people. Here are a few tips to keep your home safe and secure. Every year check your home's safety. To begin, check check entry ways such as front doors. Be sure that your exterior door is made of a heavy steel frame and has a deadbolt with a 1' throw on it. For even more secure locks consider a electronic keypad or a deadbolt that allows you to rekey your own locks in seconds.

Other doors to consider are sliding glass doors. Add security bars to the track for extra security. Be sure that your window locks work properly as well. While you are away it is a good idea to make sure your house looks lived in. Keep a car parked in the driveway and set timers on your lights. Some timers turn on indoor lights randomly throughout the day as well.

The next is the garage. Install a door viewer to see guests in advance. Make sure your electronic door opener has rolling code technology. This is the safest kind of an opener. Also remember to program your own code with a keyless entry pad.

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Make it difficult for someone to conceal themselves while breaking in. Avoid tall/thick shrubs around your windows and doors. Avoid privacy fences. Having good exterior lighting on a timer helps, but the best thing is a motion sensor floodlight. When a motion light kicks on, it says 'Hey, something's going on over here.' Avoid having stuff in plain sight that says 'We have lots of $$$.' If you have an expensive car, keep it in a garage. If you have nice stuff in your house, keep your blinds closed. If you just bought a flatscreen, trash and conceal the box. Burglars case a neighborhood before they rob it. They know when you leave for work. They know when your neighbors leave for work. If you have neighbors that are home during the day, it will make your house a riskier break-in. If you have a security system, don't put one of those 'Protected by ADT' stickers on your door. Knowing which brand of security system can provide enough info on how to disable it. Get a generic sticker.

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