Why Should I Participate in Work-Based Learning?

Mahadevan M S

Work-based learning experiences, such as job shadows and internships, offer you opportunities to practice skills and to network with potential employers. However, for students with disabilities, work-based learning experiences offer additional benefits. They give you opportunities to determine if you can perform the essential functions of particular jobs and practice disclosing your disability and requesting accommodations from an employer. In addition, you can test which accommodations work best for you. You can develop self-advocacy skills through work-based learning. It's a great way to get off to a running start on your career path!

alsan sharia

Published on Jul 11, 2014

The National Academy Foundation's academies provide high school students with a series of work-based learning experiences that prepare them for college and career success.

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Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you're learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies.

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Work-based learning experiences can help a student make career decisions, network with potential employers, select courses of study, and develop job skills relevant to future employment. Through the interaction of work and study experiences, students can enhance their academic knowledge, personal development, and professional preparation.

As future employees, students with disabilities face unique challenges. They must find a way to meet specific qualifications of a desired job, as well as demonstrate transferable skills such as communication, troubleshooting, decision-making, leadership, and problem solving. They must also determine whether or not they will need accommodations to help them succeed in their jobs. Work-based learning experiences can help students with disabilities explore different accommodations, as well as provide opportunities to practice disclosing their disabilities and requesting accommodations from employers.


Most students expect to work after college graduation, but the fact is that it takes the average college graduate three to six months to secure employment after earning a degree. Career planning and preparation should occur throughout your college studies. You need a career-seeking strategy and a little experience to keep from being just another resume in a stack of hundreds.

As a future employee, a college student with a disability faces unique challenges. Like other students, you need to find a way to meet the specific qualifications of the desired job. You also need to demonstrate that you have transferable skills—in other words, skills you've acquired through education and previous work experiences. Transferable skills include communication, troubleshooting, decision making, leadership, and problem solving. These are some of the skills that cross jobs, careers, and industries. Opportunities to acquire these skills are available on campuses nationwide.

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Work-based experiences provide opportunities to learn and develop job skills and gain confidence. They can also help you to learn more about careers that might interest you to see if they’ll be a good fit. When you apply for jobs, many employers look at prior work experience on your resume as a sign you are motivated and/or qualified. When you apply for college, some admissions offices may consider work experiences in their selection processes, so it’s crucial to gain work experience early on.

Work-based experiences can also help you to start to build your professional network. A network is a group of people with whom you frequently interact, including your family, friends, classmates, co-workers, neighbors, and teachers. Information and experience are exchanged within the group for both social and professional reasons. Networking occurs all the time, from your participation in a school or social event, to conversations with your neighbors, to someone you chat with in line at a grocery store. Having a personal network can help you learn about potential jobs, and give you an edge in the hiring process. Many employers prefer interviewing candidates who come recommended from people within their own personal networks.

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