Good morning from Dominican Republic!

cool omar

Dominican Spanish, the way the Dominicans talk (Como Hablamos Dominicanos) sometimes known as Dominicanismos or Dominicanese. Some words are the same as Spain Spanish but many are very different. Even the way words are pronounced are different. For example, most Dominicans do not use the 'S' at the end of a word. It is important to know many of these words. When you are walking in the street and someone calls out to you it is a good thing to know if you should acknowledge or ignore the comments. When dining knowing what your ordering could make a real difference for the stomach! Use these just as a guideline, words change as well as peoples interpretation of them. Also, as in all countries, each region and sometimes town, has its own words, expressions, and accents. Imagine trying to explain some words you may use in your own language...not as easy as it seems. Spanish is the official language of the country and street signs and restaurant menus are written in Spanish for the most part. Even though the people linked to the tourist trade generally speak English, knowing some Spanish defiantly would be helpful. Even if you get laughed at, people will know you are trying. A good laugh is good for the health, even if it is at your own expense. Enjoy and take it easy, life is too short.

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