Are Electric Cars Dependable?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

Assuming they're made properly, they're just as dependable as gas-powered vehicles. In fact, electric motors have fewer moving parts and therefore, fewer points of failure than gas-powered engines.


Will an electric car need regular repair or is it liable to run without trouble for several years? The technology of electric cars is still very new and most people know very little about the reliability of an electric engine. With the vehicles being so expensive, no one wants to be pouring money into repair bills anytime in the immediate future. However, electric car engines are far more reliable than their gas counterparts.

cool omar

How reliable is an electric car engine? Will an electric car need regular repair or is it liable to run without trouble for several years? The technology of electric cars is still very new and most people know very little about the reliability of an electric engine. With the vehicles being so expensive, no one wants to be pouring money into repair bills anytime in the immediate future. However, electric car engines are far more reliable than their gas counterparts. Essentially, there are two possible points of failure on an electric car engine and these are the battery and the connections. The battery problem is one that no amateur mechanic can handle and the same applies to problems with connections. These can be extremely complex and will need specialized equipment to trace any defects.

Unlike gasoline or diesel cars, which can sometimes limp to a garage even with some engine problems, a broken connection on an electric car engine is going to bring it to a standstill. With an engine problem on an electric car, the vehicle simply won't go. However, there have been relatively few problems with connections on electric cars to date and battery failures have been surprisingly rare.

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