What food do you recommend for a cat with crf?

Jeany Stein

Your veterinarian may prescribe a low protein/low salt/low phosphorus diet for your CRF cat.

This diet is designed to reduce the amount of waste materials in the system that must be filtered out by the kidneys. The low salt and low phosphorous help control the electrolyte imbalances that are common with CRF. While there is no cure for CRF, this diet may slow the progression of the disease.* CRF cats sometimes have a difficult time eating any foods because they tend to secrete excess stomach acids.

Since these foods are often less palatable than the commercial foods, you must be patient and persistent in your efforts to get your cat to eat the prescribed diet.

Jeany Stein

Here is a video for you Ed:

Jeany Stein

here another video too for you Ed

Ed Mendelssohn

The first video was quite helpful. The second was a little depressing, since the owner of the cat went into some detail regarding the passing of her cat due to crf.

Ed Mendelssohn

The initial advice was quite helpful. Thank you.


Dry Cat Food vs Wet Cat Food - Cats, Dry Cat Food vs Wet Cat Food, Dry cat food vs wet cat food, what is the better option for your cat? Let us help you make the right decision for you and your cat.

Dry Cat Food vs. Wet Cat Food

If you feed your cat dry food by no means are you a bad pet owner. Many cats can live wonderful lives on strictly dry diets for the vast majority of time. It does not make you in any way lesser of an owner than someone who feeds their cat wet food, but wet food is really what I prefer for all felines.

Cats as a species are physiologically designed to get as much moisture and water from their diet as possible, so by feeding them dry food we really are taking away one of the abilities for them to bring moisture and extra water into their diet. You will notice that if you feed a cat dry food, and then switch to wet the vast majority of owners will report an increase in how their glistens and how a lot of their coat tends to appear.

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