Where can I find a list of the best art schools, colleges and design courses?

Mahadevan M S

Best Art Schools in America & Canada

Here is a short selection of the best art colleges, design institutes and accredited arts courses in the United States and Canada, together with their tuition fees.

Northeastern Art Schools Maine Maryland Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Virginia Washington D.C.

Southern Art Schools Florida Mississippi Tennessee Texas.

Midwestern Art Schools Illinois Indiana Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Wisconsin

Western Art Schools California Oregon Washington

Canadian Colleges Art Schools in Canada

joy barma

Coming up:

  1. David Beckham studies -- Staffordshire University, UK
  2. Parapsychology -- various colleges
  3. Doctorate of Philosophy in Ufology -- Melbourne University
  4. The Phallus -- Occidental College
  5. Surfing Studies -- Plymouth / Melbourne
  6. Philosophy -- various colleges
  7. Queer Musicology -- UCLA
  8. Star Trek -- Georgetown University in Washington
  9. Golf Management -- University of Birmingham / Florida Gulf Coast University
  10. Art History -- various colleges

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