James Bond
Myo-inositol plays a role in cell growth and early studies indicated that higher levels of MI in the follicular fluid was associated with better egg quality.


At the Moon we are constantly striving to increase our E.Q.I.Q. (Egg Quality I.Q.) and for years we have believed that nutrition can play a role in eqq quality. However, until recently there were few studies to support this claim so we needed to temper our recommendations with the phrase “but there isn’t any clinical evidence for this yet.” Now, several new investigations have shown that, yes, certain nutritional supplements may make a difference in egg quality. The goal of this blog is to summarize the latest clinical news, discuss the substances that are now showing potential benefits for women with poor egg quality and help you make choices about which supplements may be right for you. As with any supplement protocol, you should always consult your physician before starting.

cool omar

At the Moon we are constantly striving to increase our E.Q.I.Q. (Egg Quality I.Q.) and for years we have believed that nutrition can play a role in eqq quality. However, until recently there were few studies to support this claim so we needed to temper our recommendations with the phrase “but there isn’t any clinical evidence for this yet.” Now, several new investigations have shown that, yes, certain nutritional supplements may make a difference in egg quality. The goal of this blog is to summarize the latest clinical news, discuss the substances that are now showing potential benefits for women with poor egg quality and help you make choices about which supplements may be right for you. As with any supplement protocol, you should always consult your physician before starting.

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