Do you like Orange Juice and is't good for health ?

cool omar

Drinking a glass of orange juice a day can keep your skin glowing and keep cold away. Orange juice is known to contain a high percentage of Vitamin C, which is helpful in boosting the immune system.

So, you will be less likely to catch various illnesses, such as cold or flu. Also, medical studies show that orange juice may help lower both cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Alizy monz

Orange is one of the favourite fruits for most people around the world. Orange, particularly sweet orange is liked by many. Few more reasons to like orange can include the benefits that they provide such as supply of essential nutrients, control of dyspepsia, common cure for cold and cough, a natural laxative and prevention of rickets. Orange is believed to have originated in southern China or Northern India. During the 15th century, orange was introduced to the western world by Vasco da Gama, after leaving from India.

Health benefits of orange Oranges a great source of Vitamin C At present, many cultivars of orange have been developed which include loose skinned, tight skinned, sour and sweet oranges. While in the western world, tight skinned and sweet oranges are famous, in Asia, particularly India, loose skinned oranges are pretty popular. It is believed that the name ‘orange’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘naaranga’.

Alis 01

Can oranges be introduced into babies’ diet?

Introduction of oranges into baby food has been one of the areas of concern for mothers, pediatric nutritionists as well, because orange belongs to the citrus family and citrus fruits can cause allergies in babies.

It is safe to say that introducing oranges as part of baby is not a bad idea, but a good idea. It’s not only about the taste of oranges, but it is also about the nutrients that are present in oranges. The age at which infants can be fed oranges is between 6-8 months.

Health benefits of orange for babies

Orange is not only a tasty fruit but, it also offers numerous health benefits. Some of these health benefits are especially helpful for children and infants. Some of the health benefits include

Rich supply of nutrients: Oranges are good source of many nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and mineral highly needed b infants and children. Especially, they are useful for baby’s first year of development, which is very critical. Orange juice can be given to infants with physical development issues, due to the nutrition present in the fruit.

alsan sharia

Published on Jan 30, 2015

Wake up to this wonderful aroma of Strawberries in this weeks strawberry breakfast bar. This would be so fun to make with the kids and bond over what they did during this week. Taking time out of you day to use your hands cutting the butter in this recipe is very calming for me. I love using my hands and stop to listen to the sounds in the kitchen, the neighbors, and maybe a squirel out my apt window fighting with another squirrel.

Strawberry Breakfast Bar Recipe Crust and topping: 1/2 cup of flour 1/4 cup 2 tablespoons of dark brown sugar 1 cup of quick cook oats 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1/2 cup of cubed butter 1 tablespoon of orange juice Bar filling: 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons of dark brown sugar 11 oz of sliced strawberries 1/2 tablespoon of orange juice Recipe adapted from

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