What foods should pregnant women avoid?

Mahadevan M S

Should not eat raw eggs, meat, poultry or fish. Even sushi. Poultry and associated products may contain salmonella or other harmful bacteria. Additionally, fish may contain high levels of mercury (especially oily, red fleshed fish and shark). High levels of mercury can be very damaging and cause developmental delays in babies.

Ashley Doris

good point

alsan sharia

Published on May 6, 2012

http://foods-to-avoid-during-pregnanc... - the complete list of foods to avoid during pregnancy as well as the best foods TO eat when pregnant. Also find out how to train and stay in shape while pregnant.

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joy barma

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Are there fruits you should avoid eating while pregnant?

Pregnancy is the most delicate stage of a woman’s life. It also leaves you with a higher appetite since the unborn baby feeds off of the nutrients from the mother.

This does not mean, however, that you should eat whatever you want during pregnancy.

In fact, the opposite is true: You should be more careful than ever as to what goes into your mouth.

Many soon-to-be moms are not aware that there are certain fruits to avoid while pregnant.

This may sound ridiculous to some. After all, how can fruits be harmful?

But to be on the safe side, you better equip yourselves with the proper knowledge and avoid these foods at all costs.

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