I have a dwarf fuji apple tree that I would like some guidance for pruning and training.

Jeany Stein

Added this video

Marco Shuford

VIDEO Growing & Caring for Trees : How to Care for Fuji Apple Trees

Jeany Stein

here a new video from today: Nancy is ONLINE now

Jeany Stein

Here another video From me Expert to Nancy Please watch this video

Nancy Mendelssohn

Video #1 – Maloni Billy Tree This was an interesting general video about a hybrid apply tree and when to pick the fruit. Also, the benefits of this particular tree were mentioned.

Video #2 – Care of Fuji Apple Tree This video was specifically about Fuji apple trees, all sizes. It mentioned the need for having another apple tree near by for the purpose of pollinizing the blossoms. It mentioned that it is important to fertilize, but not in the first year. Also important to train and prune the tree. It did not say how to prune or train. It said that the Gardener should choose the size of tree based on the space available.

James Bond

That looks awesome!

Pano Tip

To grow Fuji apple trees, choose a nice sunny area that drains well with very acidic soily. Keep your apple tree watered well.

Nancy Mendelssohn

Thanks very much for the videos and tips. They were quite helpful.


Continuing the series of pruning and training apple trees.This Fuji apple tree is now 4 years old. Last year 4 branches were trained down, this time round only 3 will be tied down, continue to prune to encourage fruiting buds, will keep posted when flower and fruiting this year...

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