PCB Printers? Thoughts?

Mahadevan M S

From the demo of the Voltera, I think it looks pretty good. I'm skeptical of the quality of the printed boards, but the paste extruder and reflow heater sound pretty neat. I'm interested in knowing if it actually works for reflow, though. Can the board actually be heated from the bottom to a hot enough temperature to melt the solder? I would think that the old toaster oven method would be much more energy efficient.

I guess I'll hold off judgement until I've had a chance to try it out.

joy barma

With a modified Lexmark E260 Laser Printer you can directly print on copper clad boards! There are some difficulties but for small single sided boards it works fantastically!

joy barma

nice! could you not make your own fuser a powerful infared lamp or something , the toner is black so it should absorb heat pretty quick?

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