How to Improve Your Math Skills?

Mahadevan M S

Work-based learning experiences, such as job shadows and internships, offer you opportunities to practice skills and to network with potential employers. However, for students with disabilities, work-based learning experiences offer additional benefits. They give you opportunities to determine if you can perform the essential functions of particular jobs and practice disclosing your disability and requesting accommodations from an employer. In addition, you can test which accommodations work best for you. You can develop self-advocacy skills through work-based learning. It's a great way to get off to a running start on your career path!

alsan sharia

Published on Aug 22, 2012

This video is designed to help the viewer improve on their math skills and to help them remain calm when solving math problems. If you have a request for a future video please feel free to send in a request for a future video by sending a PM to this channel or by emailing me at Thank you for watching and have a great day.

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cool omar

I interpreted it as indicating that there are multiple ways of thinking about the problem, some of which produce the right answer and some of which produce the wrong answer. There's an element of chance involved in which one the child happens to employ, and children who are farther along in their development are more likely but not certain to pick the correct one on any single trial.

'Acquiring a concept' is a little ambiguous of an expression - suppose there's some subsystem or module in the child's brain which has learned to apply the right logic and hits upon on the right answer each time, but that subsystem is only activated and applied to the task part of the time, and on other occasions other subsystems are applied instead. Maybe the brain has learned that this system/mode of thought is the right way to think about the issue in some situations, but it hasn't yet reliably learned to distinguish what those situations are.

standarditech sachin

Some officials give some ways parents can help their kids maximize their math-smarts.

  1. Make sure your children understand mathematical concepts.

  2. Help them master the basic facts.

  3. Teach them to write their numbers neatly.

  4. Provide help immediately when your child needs it.

  5. Show them how to handle their math homework.

  6. Encourage your children to do more than the assigned problems.

  7. Explain how to solve word problems.

  8. Help your children learn the vocabulary of mathematics.

  9. Teach them how to do math 'in their head.'

  10. Make mathematics part of your children's daily life.


Math can be a difficult subject, particularly if you don’t have the right skills in place. But once you know how to approach it strategically, you’ll likely find it less frustrating and have much higher chances of success. This article details how to evaluate, break down, and successfully complete math tasks and avoid getting stuck or overwhelmed.

cool omar

Math can be a difficult subject, particularly if you don’t have the right skills in place. But once you know how to approach it strategically, you’ll likely find it less frustrating and have much higher chances of success. This article details how to evaluate, break down, and successfully complete math tasks and avoid getting stuck or overwhelmed.

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