How long is the spinal cord and how much does it weigh?

Mahadevan M S

Stew Biff

The average spinal cord is 45 cm long in men and 43 cm long in women. The spinal cord weighs approx. 35 grams.

alsan sharia

Uploaded on Apr 25, 2011 Lumbar Spine Pedicle Screw Fixation Fusion lawyer 3D animations. Illustrates the surgical technique for performing a laminectomy and pedicle screw fusion. This procedure is used to decompress the spinal cord and immobilize an intervertebral disc or facet joints that are causing uncontrollable pain. Pedicle screw instrumentation is used to ensure stability while fusion occurs. There are many different techniques to achieve the same end result, a pain-free, stable, anatomically positioned bony fusion. However, the basic procedure illustrated here is common to all pedicle screw fusions. Also shown is the patient position, skin preparation and incision, the surgical approach, the removal of the lamina, the insertion of the pedicle screws, rods and bone graft, x-ray position checks and finally wound closure.

joy barma

Published on Jun 10, 2014

Two young men, one with paraplegia (spinal cord injury) and the other with spinal cord damage play soccer wearing the Berkeley exoskeleton modules in Berkeley, California. The Berkeley exoskeleton is modular; weighs 27 pounds total and is adjustable to various sizes. The user has complete control on the steps and the commands are initiated and transmitted to the system computer via crutch mounted controllers. The speed varies with the user; however 0.5 m/sec has been measured. The battery allows for 4 hours of continuous walking.

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