Can we store AC in batteries instead of DC?


We cannot store AC in batteries because AC changes their polarity up to 50 (When frequency = 50 Hz) or 60 (When frequency = 60 Hz) times in a second. Therefore the battery terminals keep changing Positive ( ve) becomes Negative (-Ve) and vice versa, but the battery cannot change their terminals with the same speed so that’s why we can’t store AC in Batteries.

in addition, when we connect a battery with AC Supply, then It will charge during positive half cycle and discharge during negative half cycle, because the Positive ( ve) half cycle cancel the negative (-Ve) half cycle, so the average voltage or current in a complete cycle is Zero. So there is no chance to store AC in the Batteries.

Good to know: Average Voltage x Average Current ≠ Average Power

cool omar

We cannot store AC in batteries because AC changes their polarity up to 50 (When frequency = 50 Hz) or 60 (When frequency = 60 Hz) times in a second. Therefore the battery terminals keep changing Positive ( ve) becomes Negative (-Ve) and vice versa, but the battery cannot change their terminals with the same speed so that’s why we can’t store AC in Batteries.

in addition, when we connect a battery with AC Supply, then It will charge during positive half cycle and discharge during negative half cycle, because the Positive ( ve) half cycle cancel the negative (-Ve) half cycle, so the average voltage or current in a complete cycle is Zero. So there is no chance to store AC in the Batteries.

cool omar

We cannot store AC in batteries because AC changes their polarity up to 50 (When frequency = 50 Hz) or 60 (When frequency = 60 Hz) times in a second. Therefore the battery terminals keep changing Positive ( ve) becomes Negative (-Ve) and vice versa, but the battery cannot change their terminals with the same speed so that’s why we can’t store AC in Batteries.

in addition, when we connect a battery with AC Supply, then It will charge during positive half cycle and discharge during negative half cycle, because the Positive ( ve) half cycle cancel the negative (-Ve) half cycle, so the average voltage or current in a complete cycle is Zero. So there is no chance to store AC in the Batteries.

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