Help Topics

How To Get Started

How Create A Business Account

You can register via Select2gether, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google, Windows Live or an e-mail address. To sign up for Panotip:

After Sign Up you can register as Freelancer/Contractor or as Company.

How Register as Freelancer or Contractor

After completing the Sign Up process go to "My Business" and fill the freelancer form:

  1. Your Business Name
    For most contractors and sole proprietors this will just be your name. If you have a business entitiy such as a Corp or LLC, click the blue button near the top to register as a business entity.
  2. Profile Info
    Give an ending name to your profile URL. For example, someone setting up "SEObySam" can enter that into the field and get a URL of, "".
  3. Expertise
    Choose one or more categories that best describe your offering.
  4. Contact Details
    • Select a salutation
    • Enter your personal and family names
    • Upload a photo of yourself to use as an avatar
  5. Administrator Account
    You can designate a social networking account as an administrative login for managing this profile.
  6. Confirm Terms and Conditions
    Enable the checkbox to accept the terms. Accepting the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy is required in order to use this site.

Example of Freelancer Account:

How Register as Company

After completing the Sign Up process go to "My Business" -> "Click here to register as a Company" and fill the Company registration form:

  1. Company Name
    Enter your company name as you'd like it to appear in your online profile.
  2. Contact Details
    Choose a salutation and enter your personal and family names.
  3. Profile Info
    Choose a URL suffix to represent your business on the web. For example, Sam's SEO might enter "seo-by-sam". When you click in the field it will suggest a suffix based on your business name.
  4. Second Login
    A backup login or administrative account.
  5. Upload Your Logo
  6. Expertise
    Select one or more categories that describe your offering.
  7. Confirm Terms and Conditions
    Enable the checkbox to accept the terms. Accepting the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy is required in order to use this site.

Example of Company Account:

Product Page

How Create A Product Page

When you create a business account for your company, you can create a product page by clicking on the button "Add Product".

Add your product or consultation rates and offers by filling the form.

Fill the product registration form, which has the following sections:

  1. Product Title
    Give a descriptive title that tells people what the offering is about
  2. Type of Product
    Choose a category that best describes your product
  3. Description Summar
    A short description telling potential customers what to expect in this offering
  4. Product Keywords/Tags
    Enter a few words that are associated with your product, to help people find you on the web
  5. Detailed Description
    A more thorough explanation of your offering. This should tell your potential customer all they need to know about your product.
  6. Additional Information
    Additional information is anything that is important for the customer to know, but isn't part of the Title, Summary or Detailed Description.
  7. Upload Product Images
    Use the "Browse" button to look through your computer's hard drive for images of your product that will help it sell. Press the Next button to continue.
  8. Product Price/Rate
    Select from the drop-down list whether your pricing will be based per unit (i.e. one flat price for a tutorial or instruction) or by time (price per quarter hour, price per hour, etc.)
  9. Availability
    If you're doing live consultation, put here the hours and days that you're available for appointments.
  10. Press Next to complete the product set-up. From there you can view your Business

Example Product page:

How To Edit A Product

Go to the "My Business" page and press button "My Products". On this page you can see all your Products. Click the Edit link on the product in order to change the product's details.


How Create A Gallery

When you create a business account for your company, you can create a Gallery by clicking on the button, "Add a Picture " from your Business Home Page. Upload your picture to the Gallery. You can use Proit feature for adding pictures from the web. Save your data. Now you can view the new pictures on your Gallery Page.

How Edit A Gallery

Go to Panotip business home page. Press "My Gallery". On this page you can view , edit or delete any from your Gallery. For it choose any picture from your Gallery.


How Create A Challenge

Go to Panotip business home page. Press "My Courses".

On the My Challenges page click the Add a Challenge button.

Fill the fields in the Add Challenge form:

  1. Challenge Title
    Enter a title that tells people something about your challenge.
  2. Challenge Description
    Enter in this field all the information one would need to know about the challenge.
  3. Upload Challenge Photo
    Press the browse button to choose an image on your computer to upload.
  4. Category
    Choose from existing categories or to add own.
  5. Challenge Steps
    Write what should be done for each step that you want to add.
  6. Add a Video (optional)
    Add a video from Select2gether, if you are member of select2gether and have this video in own catalog.
  7. Add a Session (optional)
    Add a session from Select2gether.
  8. Add Event Date (optional)
    For events, which occur on specific dates, click the calendar icon to choose a date.
  9. Add a Price (optional)
    Add a price of course. If the price is not set, this course will be free.

Example Challenge page:

How Edit A Challenge

Go to Panotip business home page. Press "My Courses". On this page you can view, edit or delete any from your course. The Edit Challenge form will open, with your existing information already filled. Modify the parts you wish to change. Press the Save Changes button to save and continue.


What is an Online Panotip Course

Online courses follow a consistent structure:

  • Prerecorded Video Lessons and Written Challenge Steps
    Every class must hav a minimum of 30 minutes of video content. Challenges step the student aong in a progressive manner for skill acquisition.
  • Real-World Skill
    OnCourse students on Panotip are here to learn and put into practice actual sckills that further their outdoor, team and healthy living pursuits.
  • Learn At Your Own Pace
    Students can enroll at any time to get lifetime access and learn at their own pace.
  • Classes Accepted
    Outdoor Sports, Team Sports and Healthy Living subject matter with clear skills based video, audio, and written content will be reviewed for acceptance. We want to ensure that only the highest quality online courses are created on Panotip.
  • Submit Your Application
    We'll review it to make sure it meets eligibility requirements.
  • Build Out Your Course MaterialsUpon Approval, you'll be invited to create your course on Panotip. A final review and approval will enable you to publish your course on Panotip.

What Would You Like To Teach In OnCourse?

Submit An OnCourse Challenge Proposal
We'd love to see your ideas for OnCourse Challenges!

Log in to your Panotip account and submit the Challenge Proposal Form. We'll review it and, if it meets the criteria given above, publish your Challenge.

How To Create An Online Session on Panotip

(instruction text?)

Examples Of Companies on Panotip

Wedding Planner

Surfing Challenge