MEI Foundation - Balance Day

Balance Day

by Jeany Stein


  1. Choose type of location- wine country, Woodside, Marin, etc.?
  2. Send out save the date notice to invite list and to FB Groups
  3. Identify event needs in terms of supplies


by Jeany Stein

  • Event Location, Event cost, Event activities (Name: Wicky, Mandy)

  • Plan Budget (Name: Jeany)

  • Invitation List, (Name: Erika, Anita)

  • Marketing (Name: Wicky)

  • Social Media - FB, Instagram (Name: Erika & Victoria)

  • Email templates and Contents (Name: Mandy & Jeany)

tile example.jpg

by Erika Montague


by Erika Montague


by Jeany Stein


Jeany Stein

    San Francisco California

    How We Need Experts

    • Experts submit a written application.
    • We validate Experts' work history.
    • We screen for specific qualities including communication skills and level of knowledge about industries and careers.
