Getting Started
Before you dive in and start the Hundred Push Ups Program, you should:
obtain medical advice and clearance from your doctor
take an initial push ups test.
The test will highlight your current fitness level and determine where to start and how to plan your push ups training program.
initial test: the road to one hundred push ups
AGE < 40 YEARS 40 - 55 YEARS > 55 YEARS
number of pushups performed
1 0 - 5 0 - 5 0 - 5
2 6 - 14 6 - 12 6 - 10
3 15 - 29 13 - 24 11 - 19
4 30 -...
WEEK #1 So, you've completed your initial test and you're keen to start the program? Great! If you managed 5 or less push ups in the test, follow column 1. If you completed between 6 and 10 push ups, column 2 is for you. Between 11 and 20 consecutive push ups? Impressive! Column 3 is what you're looking for. More than 20 push ups? I would suggest starting the program on Week 3. Choose either Column 2 or 3 based on the number of push ups you managed in your initial test. For example: let's say you managed 8 push ups. Looking at the second column, Day 1 begins with Set 1 (6 push ups), a rest period of 60 seconds, before moving on to Set 2 (6 push ups). Rest for 60 seconds and continue with Set 3 (4 push ups) and Set 4 (4 push ups), before finishing with Set 5 and as many consecutive push ups as you can comfortably manage (at least 5, but not so many that you damage muscle tissue). The 60 seconds rest between each level should allow you to complete the workout, but I promise it will get tough towards the end. Treat yourself to a rest day before moving on to Day 2, and then again before you complete Day 3. I find that Monday, Wednesday, Friday works well and allows you to use the weekend for rest and recovery before moving on to the next stage of the program. Feel free to juggle the plan around to meet your busy schedule, but make sure you rest in between workout days. week 1: pick the appropriate column depending on your initial test results DAY 1 REST 60 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) up to 5 push ups 6 - 10 push ups 11 - 20 push ups SET 1 2 6 10 SET 2 3 6 12 SET 3 2 4 7 SET 4 2 4 7 SET 5 max (at least 3) max (at least 5) max (at least 9) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 2 REST 90 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 3 6 10 SET 2 4 8 12 SET 3 2 6 8 SET 4 3 6 8 SET 5 max (at least 4) max (at least 7) max (at least 12) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 3 REST 120 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 4 8 11 SET 2 5 10 15 SET 3 4 7 9 SET 4 4 7 9 SET 5 max (at least 5) max (at least 10) max (at least 13) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! PRINT WEEK 1 Hopefully you made it safely through the first week and now you're keen to move on to Week 2. However, if for some reason you struggled with the program, I would suggest either retaking the initial test or repeating Week 1. You'll probably be surprised at how much stronger you already are and will sail through the first week and be fired up and raring to go. If you're ready to move on, let's take a look at Week 2 of the Hundred Push Ups Program.
WEEK #5 Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 3 or Week 4 again. If you managed 31 - 35 push ups, follow column 1. If you completed between 36 & 40, column 2 is for you. More than 40 consecutive push ups? Great work! You'll be following column 3. week 5: pick the appropriate column depending on your latest test results DAY 1 REST 60 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) 31 - 35 push ups 36 - 40 push ups > 40 push ups SET 1 17 28 36 SET 2 19 35 40 SET 3 15 25 30 SET 4 15 22 24 SET 5 max (at least 20) max (at least 35) max (at least 40) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 2 REST 45 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 10 18 19 SET 2 10 18 19 SET 3 13 20 22 SET 4 13 20 22 SET 5 10 14 18 SET 6 10 14 18 SET 7 9 16 22 SET 8 max (at least 25) max (at least 40) max (at least 45) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 3 REST 45 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 13 18 20 SET 2 13 18 20 SET 3 15 20 24 SET 4 15 20 24 SET 5 12 17 20 SET 6 12 17 20 SET 7 10 20 22 SET 8 max (at least 30) max (at least 45) max (at least 50) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! PRINT WEEK 5 Surprise, surprise, it's time for another exhaustion test. Week 5 was a tough one, and if you've made it this far, you're getting close to reaching your goal. If you're able to perform more than 45 consecutive push ups, feel free to move on to Week 6. Couldn't quite manage 45? No problem, just repeat the week and you should be ready to go after another three workout days. Good luck! WEEK #6 Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 5 again. If you managed 46 - 50 push ups, follow column 1. If you completed between 51 & 60, column 2 is for you. More than 60 consecutive push ups? Tremendous! You'll be following column 3. week 6: pick the appropriate column depending on your latest test results DAY 1 REST 60 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) 46 - 50 push ups 51 - 60 push ups > 60 push ups SET 1 25 40 45 SET 2 30 50 55 SET 3 20 25 35 SET 4 15 25 30 SET 5 max (at least 40) max (at least 50) max (at least 55) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 2 REST 45 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 14 20 22 SET 2 14 20 22 SET 3 15 23 30 SET 4 15 23 30 SET 5 14 20 24 SET 6 14 20 24 SET 7 10 18 18 SET 8 10 18 18 SET 9 max (at least 44) max (at least 53) max (at least 58) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! DAY 3 REST 45 SECONDS BETWEEN EACH SET (LONGER IF REQUIRED) SET 1 13 22 26 SET 2 13 22 26 SET 3 17 30 33 SET 4 17 30 33 SET 5 16 25 26 SET 6 16 25 26 SET 7 14 18 22 SET 8 14 18 22 SET 9 max (at least 50) max (at least 55) max (at least 60) COMPLETED THIS WORKOUT? GO LOG IT AT PUSH UPS LOGGER! PRINT WEEK 6 Well? Did you make it through Week 6? If you did; congratulations - you should be very proud of your achievements and ready for one final test. If you struggled with Week 6 (many people do), no problem, just repeat the appropriate week and try again. Maybe an extra couple of days rest will benefit you? Final Test If you're reading this page you should be very proud of your achievements and ready for one final test. As you're well aware, the program you've been following is called One Hundred Push Ups and that's what this final test is all about. To perform the test, simply execute as many good-form push ups as you can. If you've completed the six week program with no cheating and no short cuts, experience has shown that you should be strong enough to perform one hundred consecutive push ups! After completing Week 6 of the program, treat yourself to a day or two of rest. Eat well and maintain good hydration. Try not to perform any exercises or tasks around the home that will drain you of energy - you'll need every ounce of strength to meet your goal. Ready? Take your time, don't rush and focus on performing ten push ups at a time. Breaking the magic hundred into smaller chunks will make the goal more achievable and give you more chance of success. Maintain good form and don't hold your breath. It sounds simple, but just take it one push up at a time until you reach one hundred! If you start to feel shaky, take a few deep breaths and regain your composure before starting again. Good luck - I know you can do it!! Just in case you didn't manage the hundred, I would suggest going back a couple of weeks in the program and building up your strength again. Maybe Week 5 or Week 6 would be good for you and help regain your confidence? Don't give up though, you're closer than you think!