Is there a list of mentors that I can choose from? How to view it in a nice way? How can I tell if someone is open to

Mahadevan M S

Just about everyone thinks about having a mentor at some point. Having someone experienced and well-connected to coach and guide you is easy to want.

What benefits would you get from having a mentor? Here are some common ones:

Experience to guide you
Coaching to help you find shortcuts to success
Access to connections and important people
Fun and friendship with someone interesting
Recognition, encouragement, and support 

Having a mentor is ultimately about improving your chances of success (in whatever field or creative venture you’re pursuing) while feeling more confident about what you’re doing.

joy barma

honestly I got it when I fully upgraded my jump shot and I got pet-move sizeup so I just break there ankles then shoot a 3 then boom don't miss its beautiful so I don't thinks its a waste if I didn't have it my team wouldn't of won the my career champion ship hint hint I hit full court buzzer beater winning game shot vs okc and the only reason I hit it because I was so hot from making shots at the 3 line

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