I have a question regarding entities such as Limited Liability Company and Series Limited Liability Companies.

joy barma

At the Botelho Law Group, we offer a free consultation to help you best determine what type of business entity you’d like to form, either a corporation or a limited liability company or a limited liability partnership. We offer for one low fee of $1500, which includes the $500 filing fee, all document preparation and filing with the Secretary of State in which you live to form your new business entity. On top of that you get one full free year of legal advice, any question you have pertaining to your company will be answered for you by an attorney free of charge for up to a year. The service alone is worth 10 times much the in the initial cost of setting up your company, and that benefit simply brings our law firm more future clients and is the reason we give such a tremendous benefit, for such a low amount.

joy barma

At the Botelho Law Group, we offer a free consultation to help you best determine what type of business entity you’d like to form, either a corporation or a limited liability company or a limited liability partnership. We offer for one low fee of $1500, which includes the $500 filing fee, all document preparation and filing with the Secretary of State in which you live to form your new business entity. On top of that you get one full free year of legal advice, any question you have pertaining to your company will be answered for you by an attorney free of charge for up to a year. The service alone is worth 10 times much the in the initial cost of setting up your company, and that benefit simply brings our law firm more future clients and is the reason we give such a tremendous benefit, for such a low amount.

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